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Please contact the practice directly in order to book a session with Jurné le Roux.
Payment Information
Fees / Rates
- Payments are accepted through medical aid, electronic funds transfer (EFT) or card payment.
- Rates for 2025 are charged at R1400.00 per 51 – 60 minute session.
- Medical Aid: Should you wish for us to claim directly from your medical aid, any shortfalls will be charged as co-payments, which will be for a client’s/patient’s own account. Clients/Patients remain responsible for accounts if not covered by medical aid, as such, it is recommended that you enquire regarding the availability of sufficient funds prior initiating therapy.
- Should we need to apply for (prescribed minimum benefits) PMB on your behalf, an annual administration fee of R200 is charged on application.
- Private Payment: Alternatively, accounts may be settled via card payment after your session. We do have a card machine on site.
- Please Note: All private accounts are to be settled directly after sessions. If medical aid claims are rejected, the account is to be settled within 14 days of notice given. After 30 days, accounts will be handed over for debt collection by a third party. Note that debt collection companies’ fees are charged in addition to the outstanding account.
- Cancellations: Please allow at least 24 hours’ notice when cancelling a session. Sessions cancelled without 24 hour notice, or missed sessions, will be charged for in full. The reason for this is that we would be reserving a space for you, which could have been offered to another person in need. Medical aids to not cover for missed sessions, as such, accounts will be sent directly to the client/patient. Cancellations and re-scheduling can easily be managed via the online scheduler or the Acuity App.